There was a big dump in Sun Valley while I was there. Man, was it fun to go everywhere. On the powder day the parking lot was full of locals at 8:30. There was a line for the gangula and the lift at the bottom of River Run (Which broke down and shattered dreams- people were stuck for a while). By 10 AM the top of Baldy and the bowls were skiied out (skied out for Sun Valley- very different than actually being skied out). Then all the locals went to work and the hill was empty. Dream day.
Blue Bird from elisabeth toft on Vimeo.
I love riding with this one: She's a snow-maker. While we drink beer and stare at things after we get off of the hill, Rachel is digging out snow guns and checking the snow. She is shoveling. She is sledding all over the mountain. She controls the FFP (fresh, fake, powder). There are bad nights, her eye lashes have been known to freeze together, and I heard it's been -10 lately. But mainly, Rachel and her snow-making family enjoy the gorgeous nights on the mountain. So after all this, she takes a nap and then meets me on the hill. Just to check on the snow- she is dedicated to her work. In the summer she makes money acting like Bill Muray on the golf course.
I chased this cat everywhere around the mountain. He rips. Anyway, I have no idea who he is, but I followed him to many a secret stash. Mountain crush (he's probably 12 and I'm gross). Thanks secret bright guy
Sun Valley: Liftopia, Costco in Twin Falls does deals for 2 or 3 days, and early and late season you can stay at the lodge and ski for around $80
Pomerelle: They wont give me a discount and I taught there and my fam still teaches there, but the freshies in the trees all day is worth the $38
good editing of your video! its much better than before! also i love the gaping photo Classic gaper! and i like uncle Dana in the Rachel video! good work!